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Bedroom Furniture

We Pay Both Taxes on a Selection of Products.We Pay Both Taxes on a Selection of Products.
FREE Local Delivery at Your Doorstep on All Orders of $499 and MoreFREE Local Delivery at Your Doorstep on All Orders of $499 and More
Credit Available* On approved credit. Terms and conditions apply.Credit Available* On approved credit. Terms and conditions apply.
Noah Collection from South Shore - Children's Bedroom FurnitureNoah Collection from South Shore - Children's Bedroom Furniture

great choice of queen beds 60''
baby is coming? changing tables
great choice of bunk beds
made in quebec bedroom furniture
Favourite Products of our team
new flexi electric bed

Your little one is growing too fast? You have a new house with a guest room to decorate? We have everything you need for that room at affordable prices! Beds of every size, bunk beds, chests of drawers and dressers, nightstands, mirrors, dressing tables, wardrobes and bedroom organizers, furniture for the nursery… Everything is possible for you to create the look you want so you can sleep soundly! For new bedroom sets at great prices, come right this way! Save big on bedroom furniture at RD Furniture!