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ABBY Collection - Trendy Rustic Style. Bed Starting at $199.99.ABBY Collection - Trendy Rustic Style. Bed Starting at $199.99.

Queen beds

Your full-sized bed is fine, but your feet are sticking out? A sizeable 60-inch bed is perfect for dealing with this minor inconvenience! Yes, only 6 inches longer and wider than the standard full-sized bed, but these few inches will step up your comfort a notch! For queen-size bed styles with fabric, leather, or tufted, with drawers, we also have headboards with storage! What more to ask for? Why not push your comfort level with a queen-size electric bed base? Customize your favourite relaxing positions; elevate the head to open airways or lift your feet to reach a zero-gravity effect and eliminate tension in the legs and back muscles. Find out more benefits. So many possibilities are waiting for you!