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Ultimate Comfort for a Restful Night - FLEXI Electric BedUltimate Comfort for a Restful Night - FLEXI Electric Bed

Electric Beds

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Absolute comfort really does exist! Whether you live alone or with a partner, the electric bed will directly walk you to dreamland every night! To watch TV before going to sleep, dive into an exciting novel, work on your computer or relax on your cell phone, simply choose your best positioning. Elevate legs or head, or both, for a weightless effect to relieve any back muscle tension and improve blood circulation. Combine two twin-size electric bed bases and customize your favourite positions easily, thanks to your preset remote control. If your partner (or you!) snores, slightly lift the head to clear respiratory airways and reduce snoring. An electric bed is full of benefits. Matched to your favourite headboard and a trendy bedroom set, welcome to your new oasis of peace!